As an arts educator in both secondary and university sectors, my professional arts practice informs my teaching, resulting in recognition of high-end integration of technology by my students. A passion for sharing and advancing student outcomes has seen presentations at InSEA World Congresses in Osaka, Japan, and Budapest, in particular, student works using Machinima in the visual arts (use of video games in film-based art making).
I am currently an education academic in the School of Education and the Arts at Central Queensland University, Mackay, Australia. In 2017, I commenced a PHD at CQU, an a/r/tography project focusing on innovative arts practice with arts educators in a regional community. The developing research was presented at the InSEA World Congress in Vancouver, 2019.
An industry background in graphic design and fashion has led to a number of significant commissions. Early work included my selection as an official Expo 88 Licensee with a commemorative T-Shirt design, and cover design of Queensland All Over, a tourist guide officially launched at Expo.
A commission was undertaken in 2007 to design the feature facade of the Queensland Academy | Creative Industries, executed collaboratively with fellow artist Dave Machen. The 60 x 10m sunshade design, together with the ‘pixellated’ lead in wall, was designed to showcase the features of the architectural design of the building whilst echoing the creative activity inside.
My ongoing arts practice explores a dialogue between traditional art forms and digital content. The MA exegetical text, Beyond actuality: locating an authentic hybridity between heterogeneous media in an installation practice articulates my evolving processes of arts practice, resulting in a synergy between material and immaterial media forms in immersive installation works.
liminal spaces 1 and liminal spaces: escaping the frame are two iterations of an extensive body of work developed and presented in 2013.
Integration of technology with traditional media features in earlier exhibitions habitat habitus: great!walks art & environment